
Mission Leadership Differentiators

Greg Fair
Greg Fair,
President/C.E.O., and Principal Consultant
G Force Technology Consulting, Inc.

• Business Consulting

• Technology Consulting

• Government Contracts

• Project/Program Management

• Team Lead/Group Management

• Executive Management

• Business Intelligence

• Information Technology

Artificial Intelligence

• Executive Missions

• Change Management

• International Business

• Education, Training, and Mentoring

U.S. Army
The Pentagon
Joint Chiefs of Staff
White House Communications Agency
Air Force One
Department of Defense
Defense Information Systems Agency
Central Intelligence Agency
National Security Agency (NSA)
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Treasury Department
Department of Homeland Security
Federal Bureau of Investigation
U.S. Department of State


Gregory Fair, C.E.O.
G Force Technology Consulting, Inc.

Mr. Fair has demonstrated success in leading many national/global business and technology initiatives, specializing in Business Consulting, Technology Consulting, Business Development, Program/Project Management, and Change Management.

Having worked with many Fortune 500 companies, governments, as well as small medium Businesses, Mr. Fair excels at understanding the core of successful business operations.

His technical career began with the U.S. Army as a Station Technical Controller, assigned to the U.S. Army 5th Signal Command in Europe where he managed many worldwide Department of Defense (DoD) and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) communications networks.

Then specifically selected for an assignment at The Pentagon in Washington, D.C., he managed many Top Secret communications networks for the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), the National Military Command Center (NMCC), the DoD, C.I.A., NSA, D.E.A., Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), the State Department, and the White House, including Air Force One communications and the Washington to Moscow Hotlink (The “Red” Phone), as well as many other Top Secret government networks.

At the Pentagon, he contributed to the development of the early Internet (the
ARPAnet and Defense Data Network), by collaborating on the world's first DNS Server on the Internet with Paul Mockapetris. The "Internet" had only one thousand end users at the time. As well as working on many other of the world's most cutting edge and classified technologies.

After completing specialized training at the U.S Army Special Forces school, he was deployed to support the Special Forces on many overseas Top Secret missions supporting various government and military intelligence agencies.
Security Clearance held: Top Secret/SI/SCI - NATO, ATOMAL.

Post-military, Mr. Fair joined Timeplex, Inc., in Washington, D.C., and continued to support many government clients and many critical national and global network infrastructure projects.

At Timeplex, Mr. Fair established himself as a leading expert in emerging network technologies, and notably resolved a very complex global network-wide problem that had been perplexing Sprint engineers for several years, Mr. Fair solved it in less than 30 minutes upon arriving on-site at Sprint, which led to a multi-million-dollar contract for Mr. Fair to spearhead a global project to redesign the entire SprintNet worldwide backbone network (The Internet).

He also developed and conducted comprehensive Project Management training programs while managing large-scale national and global projects for clients such as Bank of America, Blue Cross, Walt Disney, and The State Department.

Following Timeplex's downsizing, Madge Networks recruited him as a Senior Systems Engineer to manage their largest accounts, Cigna, Aetna, and GE Capital. And as Sr. Project Manager, he contributed to the Times Square Revitalization Project, working with NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and coordinated with Walt Disney C.E.O. Michael Eisner to help secure Walt Disney's new East Coast headquarters in Times Square.

His expertise extended to energy infrastructure projects, working with Governor George W. Bush on the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) as well as many other oil, natural gas and energy infrastructure companies.

Then when Madge Networks downsized, Mr. Fair was recruited by Nortel Networks as a Sales Engineer, where he excelled in designing and selling multi-million-dollar Core Internet Backbone solutions.

He also worked with many international companies like B.M.W. and Mercedes Benz and assisted in opening their new manufacturing plants in the United States, and worked with many other international clients such as Boeing, Airbus, Lufthansa, TWA, Alcon/Brazil, Deutsche Bundespost, and France Télécom. (see sample clients list below).

He also worked with many financial institutions like The New York Stock Exchange and Morgan Stanley, as well as many US and international banks including
Banco Do Brasil, The Bank of Thailand and The World Bank.
And as a leading Network Security Expert, he consulted with agencies like the DoD, F.B.I., C.I.A., NSA, and The White House.

In 2001, he founded G Force Technology Consulting, Inc., providing comprehensive business and technology consulting and Project Management services.

In 2004, he simultaneously established Uniform Display, Inc., to develop and patent The Uniform Display Case.

Then as Sr. Project Manager at The Department of Treasury, he led the development of the agency's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) SharePoint workflow solutions across multiple bureaus.

He later worked with A1 Consulting Group providing business development support on major civil engineering infrastructure projects in the Washington, D.C. area.

More recently Mr. Fair has worked on multiple contracts with The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Department of Treasury/Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) where he manages the agencies Zero Trust and Cyber Security Programs per:
Known for exemplary leadership, innovation and integrity, Mr. Fair leads by example and sets a high standard in work ethics, business communications, and professionalism.

Core philosophy – Every problem has an inherent solution built into it, and only exploring the options will bring it out.
Mr. Fair attended PhD programs at MIT and CalTech, and completed his MBA and Project Management Professional (PMP) training at St. Petersburg College in Florida.

And was inducted into the MENSA (High I.Q. Society) at age 19, demonstrating exceptional abilities in highly complex structures.

U.S. Army Signal Corps
5th Signal Command Combat Badge
JointChiefs_ofStaff PentagonUnitPatch United States Army Information Systems Command
160th Signal Brigade
U.S. Army
Signal Corps
5th Signal
Combat Badge
U.S. Army
Special Forces
Joint Chiefs
of Staff
160th Signal

Massacusetts Institute of Technology
California Institute of Technology
Mensa International



Projects/Clients Sample

Law Enforcement


Financial Services



Travel & Transportation

Entertainment & Media

© G Force Technology Consulting, Inc.